Social Security makes every effort to ensure that any information published is accurate and up to date, but some information on this webpage may be historical.
It's time for spring cleaning! Organize your job search by following our 10 tips. We offer advice on setting up a job-search space and staying organized as you keep track of applications, interviews and networking opportunities.
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Internships are a great way for young adults to learn more about their desired career, gain valuable work experience, and build professional relationships. Learn how you can make the most of your internship experience and advance your career.
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Head to a career fair during April to meet with recruiters and advance your job search. Virtual and in-person job fairs can help you connect with employers and learn about career opportunities and different job industries.
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Are you going on an interview soon? Before you do, researching a company or organization as well as its leadership may help you prepare questions about the job. Check out our tips on finding more information about a company.
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As you write your resume and start applying for jobs, you may have questions about addressing employment gaps. Lisa Jordan, President of Human Solutions LLC, shares advice on how you can address these gaps and how to fill them with other experiences to make a strong impression with a potential employer.
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Check out what's new for ABLE programs in 2018, including changes to annual contribution limits and tax credits that ABLE account owners may be eligible for! ABLE Accounts allow certain people with disabilities to save more money for disability-related expenses.
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As you start on the path to employment and financial independence, you may be wondering where to turn for support. Find out how to use the Find Help tool to help you search for Ticket to Work service providers who may provide the services you need to succeed.
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The Department of Labor's Campaign for Disability joins us in this guest blog post. They discuss their mission and resources that you can find on their new website. Learn about the successes of people with disabilities in the workplace as you discover supports to help you on your job search.
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Check out more questions that interviewers like to ask, and find advice on how to answer them. Having an idea of what types of questions you may be asked and preparing responses may help you feel more confident during your next job interview.
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If you're a young adult who's ready to graduate from high school, you may be thinking about going to college. If you're not sure where you'd like to apply, a college fair may help you set goals and make decisions.
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