Social Security makes every effort to ensure that any information published is accurate and up to date, but some information on this webpage may be historical.
Learn more about the Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE), a Work Incentive that serves as a safety net for 36 months. Find out how during your EPE, you may be due your cash benefits during months when you don't make SGA.
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During Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage you to find resources that help you focus on your physical and mental health. Learn about the #4Mind4Body Challenge and join the event to make small changes every day.
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Internships can be a great way to gain valuable work experience, but did you know that there are many federal internships opportunities available nationwide? Learn more about programs and internship openings that may help you on your path to full-time employment.
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Meet this month's WISE guest presenter! Commissioner Chai Feldblum of the EEOC will join us to discuss federal employment paths for people with disabilities and what to do if you have experienced discrimination.
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Find tips for building and maintaining a social media presence that shows your best side for potential employers. Plus find tips on using social media to help you during your job search.
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In celebration of Mother's Day, today's blog post highlights Ticket to Work success stories about moms with disabilities. Plus, find tips that may help moms who are pursuing employment goals.
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Check out a career fair, either online or in person, during May! Career fairs connect you with recruiters and potential employers while learning more about your career options.
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As young adults make progress toward personal independence, they may have questions or look for instruction to help them transition to adulthood. Our resources may help you find programs and organizations to develop skills necessary on the path to independence.
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College can be challenging. And if you're a student with a disability, it can be especially important to learn where and how you can get support. Follow this advice from to help you find answers to your questions and succeed in school.
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Graduating from high school and entering adulthood is exciting, but you may have questions about managing your money. Our tips and resources may help you make a plan for budgeting, creating savings goals and managing your disability benefits.
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