Social Security makes every effort to ensure that any information published is accurate and up to date, but some information on this webpage may be historical.
Money Mondays blog series discusses financial goals and managing money. “Establishing and Strengthening Credit” discusses how you can build a credit history if you don’t have credit. It also offers options for people with low credit scores to improve their credit.
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In our Work Incentives Wednesdays blog post, we discuss Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE) and how they can help you reach your financial goals.
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The Ticket to Work program team is excited for our two ABLE events in March! Register now for the March 22 national WISE webinar: Achieving Financial Independence with Ticket to Work and the ABLE Act. Then learn how you can join our March 24 Twitter chat and learn more about ABLE accounts.
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Our February WISE webinar is now available in the archives. Access the webinar and find answers to the top questions from last month’s webinar.
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Learn more about the ABLE account and the programs that can help certain people with disabilities save money. In today’s blog post, find out which states have programs and what qualifications you need to open one of these special tax-advantaged savings programs.
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Because March is Cerebral Palsy (CP) Awareness Month, we take a look at job accommodations that can help people with CP find success in the workplace. We also talk about Shileta, an individual with CP who found work and success using the Ticket to Work program.
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To celebrate National Nutrition Month in March, we're sharing information on the importance of a healthy diet and what you need to consider when it comes to making healthy choices on your journey to work. Learn about some of the healthy choices you can make and what kind of job accommodations you may need to maintain your dietary needs.
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Throughout the month of March, career fairs will take place nationwide. Career fairs are great places to meet with employers and recruiters who can tell you about their latest job openings. Advance your job search at a career fair this month!
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If you’re a person with a disability who’s looking for work, it’s important to think about what kind of job accommodations can work for you. In celebration of Telecommuter Appreciation Week, Tracie DeFreitas of the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) shares why working from home can help people with disabilities find or return to work.
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Our monthly blog series, Work Incentives Wednesdays, explores how Social Security helps people with disabilities transition to work. In this month’s blog post, learn how the Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) can help you save money for your goals.
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