Social Security makes every effort to ensure that any information published is accurate and up to date, but some information on this webpage may be historical.
Earn income while learning valuable skills with an apprenticeship! Apprenticeships combine on-the-job learning with job-related classroom training. Learn more about inclusive apprenticeship programs and how the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is helping job seekers with disabilities advance in their careers.
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Technology affects how we stay connected, even during the job search process. Many employers are choosing to interview job candidates using Skype or Google Hangout for remote or "work from home" jobs or to accommodate job seekers during the hiring process. Like any other interview, you'll need to research and prepare. Find out how to make your video interview successful!
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Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts make it easier for eligible people with disabilities to save more money for disability-related expenses! If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and are working or want to work, learn how an ABLE account can increase your financial well-being.
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Are you ready to look for work? Virtual and in-person career fairs give you the chance to grow your network, meet potential employers, learn about a company and discover job opportunities. The career fairs listed in this post are just a few of the offerings this month. Jumpstart your career and make progress toward reaching your work goals by attending a career fair this November.
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National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) spreads awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Learn more about NDEAM and discover resources available through the Ticket to Work program that can help you in your employment journey.
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Looking for more information on how to find blue-collar or non-office jobs? Learn more about training supports, accessibility resources, and apprenticeships and networking opportunities can help you find a job. We explore resources and supports that can help you on your journey to find financial independence through work outside the office.
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Are you ready to look for work? Virtual and in-person career fairs give you the chance to meet potential employers, learn about a company and discover job opportunities. Jumpstart your career and make progress toward reaching your work goals by attending a career fair this month.
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Are you ready to look for work? Attending a career fair can help you start or advance your job search! Whether you attend online or in person, career fairs give you the chance to meet potential employers, learn about a company and discover job opportunities. Jumpstart your career and make progress toward reaching your work goals by attending a career fair this month.
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Benefits counseling is one of many free services and supports that are available through the Ticket to Work program. We talked with a certified Benefits Counselor to find out answers to common questions about what to expect from benefits counseling.
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If you or someone you know receives SSDI-related Medicare or SSI-related Medicaid, you may have questions about how working and earning income can affect healthcare benefits. Discover how benefits counseling and certain Social Security Work Incentives can help you find the answers you're looking for.
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